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  • Friendship of Pigeon and Parrot. Short Bedtime Story.

    Once upon a time there was Pigeon and Parrot they both were very good friends. They used to go for a morning flight every day high up in the sky. They fly round and round, up and down in the sky, enjoying view of beautiful ocean, mountains and forests from high up in the sky. After their Daily Morning flight they used to go to a park for a morning breakfast and People used to also come to that park to take photos of beautiful birds. Parrot and Pigeon were the most popular birds in the park as they both were really pretty. The Parrot was one of the rare and most prettiest bird in the park so people were always keen to take photos of the parrot. One day Pigeon was waiting for his best friend Parrot for a regular morning flight. Pigeon waited, waited and waited but Parrot didn't come for a morning flight. Pigeon started worrying and he went looking for his friend Parrot in the park, but he couldn't find him. Pigeon asked Crow " hey Crow did you see Parrot? somewhere? " Crow replied" No- I didn't see him today, but I saw him yesterday in the park". Pigeon says" he has gone missing and I am worried about him. Crow replies hmmm and trying to remember something and then suddenly Crow says " hey Pigeon I remember something I saw one guy with a bird cage in the park and he was also carrying one orange shopping bag. I see that man everyday in the park. I am sure he stole your friend parrot. Pigeon replies " Oh no, that's not a good news, the parrot is in danger, we have to rescue him from that bad man, but how are we going to find where that bad guy lives? Crow replies " I think he does shopping everyday in the morning from the near by market because I always see an orange shopping bag in his hand when he comes to park. Tomorrow morning we will go to the shopping market, we will find him and follow him to his house, then we will search for the Parrot in that bad man's house and rescue him. Next Morning, Pigeon and Crow were waiting for the bad guy, then bad guy arrives, finishes his shopping and head towards his home, Pigeon and Crow follows him to his house. Pigeon and Crow circle around the bad man's house to find out where he has hidden parrot in his house. Suddenly Pigeon shouts in excitement "I found him he is in this room come here". Crow and Pigeon lands near the window where the parrot was kept. The Parrot was locked in the cage, Parrot looked sad and crying. Parrot says " I miss my friend pigeon and I miss that freedom and flying in the sky everyday. Pigeon shouts" hey my friend Parrot, don't worry we are here to help you, we are here to free you from that cage. Parrot becomes happy and feels relived after seeing Parrot and Crow there to help him. Crow says "be careful guys we need to make sure we don't make any noise otherwise that bad man will know we are here. Crow says" I can here someone's foot steps, I think that bad guy is coming here let's hide and they Pigeon and Crows hides. The bad man enters the room, looks at the parrot and says " Tomorrow I am going to sell this beautiful special parrot in the bird market for $5000 ha ha ha and then I will go on a long Holiday ha ha ha" then the bad man leaves the room. Then Crow says " lets go inside the room and make sure we don't make any noise" then Crow and Pigeon enters the room through room's window and goes near the cage. Pigeon says" I think we should both use our beaks and open the window of this cage. Crows says " yes, good idea, lets do it and then crow and pigeon both opens the cage's window using their beaks. The Parrot comes out of the cage and hugs both Pigeon and Crow. Parrot says happily "Thanks my friends for freeing me up from this prison. Crow says "lets not delay and fly away from here before the bad man comes back and they all flies away from bad man's house, then they lands on the safe place on one tree. Crow says " I think you both shouldn't come to park as that bad guy will come to cage more birds. Parrot and Pigeon says yes Crow you are right we will stay away from that park until its safe. Next day the bad man comes to the park with cage trying to catch and cage another bird, the crow sees him from the tree and gets angry, then he calls all his crow friends and says " hey guys look at that man with the cage, he comes here to catch birds and sells them, he is a very bad man, lets attack him" then all the crows angry attacks that bad man, the bad man screams in pain and runs away. After that day the bad man never comes to the park and all birds lives happily ever after. Read more kids bed time stories below. subject to copyright.

  • What is TAMADOGE Crypto and How to buy it?

    TAMADOGE Crypto coin is one of the most popular meme coin with just 2 billion total supply. Tamadoge (TAMA) is an entry token of the Tamaverse - you can mint, breed and battle your own Tamadoge pet in the metaverse with play to earn opportunity including NFT. How to buy Tamadoge? The presale of Tamadoge has been completed and the project was able raise over $19 million. Tamadoge will go live for trading on 27th of September 2022 listing on the first exchange OKX. You need to Sign up with OKX and to buy Tamadoge. For more information visit TAMADOGE Website Know About Tamadoge Team What is the total supply of TAMADOGE? The total maximum supply of TAMADOGE will be 2 Billion tokens. There will be 1 billion token generated for circulation, with 400 Million not minted and reserved for listings on exchanges and 600 Million will be available to be minted over 10 years to fund the Tamadoge project. You may be interested in reading Cryptocurrency Blogs & News. Tamadoge has no transaction tax. Tamadoge doesn't believe in imposing transaction tax on it's users instead Tamadoge believes the value should be generated from the project itself. Tamadoge Pets What are Tamadoge Pets? Tamadoge pets are important part of the Tamadoge project. They are mintable, tradable NFTs pets that you can buy using your Tamadoge token. EveryTamadoge Pet is minted as a baby, and every single one has it’s own unique feature, stats, strengths and weaknesses. As you feed and play with your Tamadoge pet you’ll see it grow over time - with the way you look after your pet shaping the way in which it grows and matures. Once your Tamadoge pet grows into an adult, it’s able to battle other players pets in order to become top Doge on the Tamadoge leaderboard, using the turn based Tamadoge battling arena. Tamadoge Pets are non-fungible tokenized pets for users to play with in the Tamadoge eco-system. The Tamadoge Pets do not constitute financial instruments or virtual currency. What are investment opportunities with Tamadoge? Tamadoge maybe starting to trade at very low price and it has current limited supply of 2 billion which gives an exciting opportunity to get an impressive return. Considering the popularity of Tamadoge coin it shows signs of a token with a bright future, however please do not consider this as financial advice, do your own research. Tamadoge White paper Download here. Leave comments and opinions below in comments section.

  • 16 tips for higher Uber Driver rating. DiDi, Ola.

    Uber driver rating plays an important role in driver's earnings and performance. Having higher rating means higher earning opportunity and long lasting career. Getting higher Uber driver rating is not difficult if followed Uber requirements and simple steps. The same steps applies to DiDi and Ola drivers. I have been driving with Uber for more than 6 years and my current driver star rating is 4.99, which I achieved by following below tips. 1. Conversation with Uber Rider. Many Uber drivers get anxious when the rider arrives in the car and trying to talk a lot with rider for the sake of star rating. The best thing is not to talk a lot, when rider arrives, greet the rider "Hi(Rider's name) and How are you? and confirm where they are going to. When the destination arrives, say Thank you (Rider's name)Have a good day or night, That's it. Nothing more than that. If rider starts conversation then join conversation however do not discuss sensitive topics, such as religion, race, politics, gender and any other sensitive or negative topics. Try to change the topic to something positive without being rude. Do not ask personal questions specially to female passengers. Most passengers like to stay quiet, as they may have finished their work, are tired and want to relax. These are important practices and 90% of your driver rating depends on these practices and it will earn you great tips from passengers. 2. Avoid accepting trip requests from riders with low star ratings. You will be risking your driver rating if you accept trip requests from passengers with rating below 4.6. As those riders will more likely rate you low no matter how good service you provide to them. You may also face bad behavior of low rated riders. Many drivers ratings have been ruined because of they are accepting trip requests from any riders without checking their star rating. 3. Good Driving Practice. Do not break road rules. Do not over speed. Do not drive too slow. Just follow the legal speed limit. Slow down when turning as it will make rider uncomfortable. Do not do harsh braking when stopping the vehicle. If the rider is in rush then its not your fault. If the rider asks you to break road rules then be polite tell the rider that "sorry you can't break road rules as you will get fine and its not safe to do. You care about your rider's safety. Do not involve in road rage with other motorists. Do not fight with other drivers when there is a rider in your car. Avoid beeping unnecessarily. Also if your Uber rider reports you for dangerous driving then your account may get permanently banned regardless of how high your driver rating is. 4. Keeping your car clean and tidy. You should get your car washed at least once in a week. If its too expensive for you then you can wash and vacuum by yourself. Always use Air freshener. If the car stinks anytime during your shift then use perfume or spray bottle to get rid of odor before rider gets in your car. Some riders may leave smell in your car from take away food or something else, Use perfume or air freshener spray after rider leaves the car. Keep your personal belonging out of the view of rider. Try removing unnecessary things from your car. Try dusting interior of your car regularly it takes only 5 minutes. Sometimes even your car is clean but birds will make mess on your car, do not ignore it and clean it straight away. 5. Maintaining your car. Always get your car serviced on time, if any noise is coming from the car then get it repaired straight away. If there are any visible scratches on your car then get it removed by smash repairer ASAP. If your car's tires are worn out then replace them with new ones. If any of your Car lights are not working get them fixed ASAP. Rider may see any of these factors as dangerous or hazardous and rate you low. Do not think that riders do not notice them. 6. Do not use your phone while driving. The most common complaints from passengers is driver talking on the phone while the rider is in the car. This is what most Sydney taxi drivers do and I have heard this from a lot of passengers. It is very rude when rider is in the car and driver is chatting with his mates over the phone. Keep your car environment noise free. Do not play with your phone while you are driving, its a dangerous driving practice and illegal in Australia, even if its attached to the phone mount. If you have to answer an urgent call ask your passenger politely and most likely they won't say no. Just ask "sorry I have to answer an urgent call is that ok if I answer this call?" 7. Trip navigation. Its better to gain knowledge of streets instead of completely relying on navigation apps. None of the navigation apps are accurate. My two favorite navigation apps are Google maps and Waze. These both apps are best ones in my opinions, however they are not 100% accurate as some changes in roads and streets data takes time to update on navigation apps. If you notice that your navigation app is playing up or you are not sure about the route then don't be afraid to ask the rider for help, which will save you from conflict with passenger later on. Ask riders if they want to avoid toll routes as it will save their money, if they end up with the unnecessary huge bill then they may report you and rate you low. On some routes you have to take toll routes depends on time of the day, traffic, urgency of passenger etc. 8. Safely Picking up and Dropping off Uber Passengers. Make sure you pick up and drop off your passengers on safe spot as you don't want your riders to get injured and run over by car or bus. There will be times when there will be no spot to stop your car and you have no choice but double park your car for few seconds to pick up and drop off your customers, in that case make sure you monitor your car mirrors and check if any car or bus is approaching, ask your rider politely to exit towards curbside and not on the middle of the road or street. Be patient and let riders take their time to exit the car. Tell your rider politely "take your time, don't rush" 9. Avoid physical contact with passengers. There will be times when you will get very intoxicated riders who will fall a sleep and it will be very difficult to wake the rider up when the destination arrives. In that case never touch the passenger to wake them up, inform the rider with loud voice that they have arrived to their destination. If the rider still can't wake up then try asking someone from the rider's house to pick the rider up. The last resort is to take the rider to police station and police can wake the rider up. Once I had a very intoxicated rider who couldn't wake up so I said "excuse me the police officer is here, could you please get up" she quickly got up and ran like she was not intoxicated" however there was no police officer there, but this kind of prank may land you in a trouble so avoid doing it. Sometimes you will get elderly passengers who would need driver's help to exit the car, in that case offer your hand elbow and they will hold your hand, do not touch them or grab them. You may end up in sexual assault case if you touch the passenger. 10. Offering help to riders. Always offer help to riders to move their baggage or any other things. Do not just sit and watch. If the bags are too heavy ask rider to help you. Avoid lifting too heavy stuff by yourself. 11. Do not judge your passengers. Do not judge your rider by their look, what they are wearing, how they are talking. Treat every passenger equally with respect. 12. Great benefits of higher Uber driver rating. If your rating is above 4.85 then you can get Uber Comfort trip requests which pays more than UberX. Also less likely passengers will cancel trips if your rating is good. Passengers will save you as their favorite driver and you will receive more trip reservations, that means more earnings for you. 13. Use Air Conditioning. Turn on air conditioning if the weather hot, use heater if the weather is cold. Follow passenger's request of what temperature they would prefer. Don't worry about little bit of more cost on fuel and think about long term benefits. 14. Never ask riders to rate you 5 stars. If you ask your riders to rate you 5 stars then they may think you are a dodgy driver or you are trying to blackmail them. Many driver ask indirectly by telling the rider " I am rating you 5 stars" or I will give you 5 stars" Don't dot it as the rider may get angry and rate you low. 15. Resolving conflict with the rider. If you made a mistake apologize to rider, if the rider made a mistake then forgive. Depends on how big the mistake is such as abusive, aggressive, extremely rude rider behavior is not acceptable. If the trip ended costing higher than it supposed to be, because of the driver's mistake then apologize to the rider and tell rider that you will refund them. You can refund certain amount to Uber riders by going into your Uber account. 16. Keeping phone charging cables ready for rider. Buy at least three different types of charging cables, such as lightening cable for iPhone, USB-C and Micro USB for Android. Make sure the cables are at least 2 meters long. Get Car USB charger with more than 4 USB ports. Be flexible and help riders if they want to charge their phones in your car. 90% of times rider will rate you 5 stars and even they will tip you for helping them to charge their phones. Conclusion. Above tips will gain you a higher star rating and will boost your income as an Uber driver. Happy customers are most important part of a successful business, so look after your riders and have a positive attitude. Please subscribe to get more helpful updates and leave comments below in comments section. Read related posts below.

  • The Farmer and Golden Egg. Kids Short Bedtime Story.

    Once Upon a time there was a farmer. The farmer had a huge Chicken Farm. He had 1000 hens in his farm. The farmer used to check his chicken farm every day in the morning to see how many hens have laid eggs and then he used to collect those eggs. Everyday he used to collect at least 500 eggs and sell them to shops. The farmer was earning really good money from the farm however he was never a happy man. He always wanted to get rich quickly. The farmer had no patience. One night before going to sleep, the farmer prayed “Oh God please give me a lot of money, I want to be rich quickly” and then he went to sleep. During the sleep he felt something strange and suddenly woke up. He saw bright golden light coming out from the farm. When he went to the farm, he saw one hen laid golden egg. The farmer picked up golden egg in his hand said “wow this is a golden egg and I will get a lot of money for this golden egg”. The farmer started looking after that particular hen very well. The hen was laying one golden egg every day. The farmer was very happy and collecting golden eggs, however the farmer was very impatience and greedy. One day he thought why not kill the chicken and get all the golden eggs out of hen’s tummy at once instead of waiting for every single day. Next day he went to the farm and killed the hen, however he didn’t get any eggs. The hen died and farmer stopped getting more golden eggs. The farmer realized his mistake that he shouldn’t have killed the hen. He should have waited patiently and collect the golden eggs patiently. He realized that the hen cannot lay eggs if she dies. Moral of the Story. Be patience. Patience is a virtue. Having a patience can save you from a huge loss. Please subscribe to receive updates about more free bedtime stories. Read more: Twin Monkey Brothers Birthday and A cat Bedtime Story.

  • Uber,Ola,DiDi,Uber Eats, Rider, Driver Vouchers and Promo Codes

    I am sharing some great Uber,DiDi,Ola, Uber eats rider driver vouchers here, which will save your money. Please remember the vouchers have validity period. These Vouchers will be always usable however sometimes they may not be usable depends on companies validity period. So please check first by entering code in app when you sign up, if they don't have promotions going on then come back after sometime see if they have started promotion. Below vouchers may be valid in Australia only. However try your luck by trying a code. please support us by clicking and checking below advertisement. Ola $10 Ride Voucher Download Ola App and enter Code XV424WQ (New Accounts only. Must enter code before signing up to get $10) DiDi Voucher $10 Download DiDi App and Enter DiDi Rider Promo code: Suhel13 (New Accounts only) Must Enter code before signing up. Drive Uber Earn Signup Bonus up to $500. (Must enter code to receive a bonus Download Uber driver app Uber code: idlwy Drive DiDi and earn up to $500 signup bonus. Promotions ends 31 December 2021. The driver must complete 100 trips within 60 days to get bonus. Click here to Sign Up. Once completed trip requirement please contact us to claim $500. $10 Uber Eats Voucher Promo Code: eats-8ab5q6. New Accounts only Please subscribe to receive more vouchers. Please support us by clicking and checking below advertisement.

  • Twin Monkey Brothers Birthday and A cat Bedtime Story

    This is a short bedtime story with moral for kids. (Age 3 to 6) Once upon a time there were two Twin Monkey Brothers. It was their special day as it was their Birthday. They got the cake to celebrate their birthday. They both were very excited to eat the delicious cake. support us by checking and clicking below advertisement However, there was a problem. They both did not want to share the cake with each other. One Monkey said "this whole cake is mine and not yours". Another Monkey said "no its only mine not yours". They continued fighting, One monkey said " No only mine" I won't let you eat" then another monkey said " No only mine, I will eat the whole cake" and then suddenly a cat comes in and says " Excuse me Guys! Let me hold the cake for you, while you are deciding whose cake is it!" support us by clicking and checking advertisement below Monkey brothers thought that's a good idea of giving the cake to cat and they gave that cake to cat to hold for them. The cat said "Thanks! for trusting me Monkeys!" and then Monkey brothers kept fighting and kept saying "only mine! only mine!". the cat thought in his mind " ha ha ha, You both keep fighting and I will eat the whole cake, good bye" and the cat takes the cake and runs away. After arguing for a while, both monkeys noticed something strange, one Monkey asks " Hey! Hang on where's the cake?" and another Monkey asks " Where's that cat gone?" Support us by clicking and checking below advertisement " That cat fooled us" Cries one Monkey, "That cat stole our cake and ran away" cries another Monkey. "We shouldn't fight and divide, otherwise someone else will take our things!" says one Monkey, " Yes! We will always be united and We will never fight again!" says another Monkey. Please support us by clicking and checking advertisement below. "I got another cake! This time We will share the cake, because sharing is caring" says one Monkey "Oh great! Sure we will share!" says another Monkey. "Happy birthday Brother!" wishes one monkey and Happy Birthday to you too! my Brother! wishes another Monkey. Moral of the Story Sharing is caring. United we stand, divided we fall. Please leave comments in comment section below. Please subscribe to receive more new stories. Ola $10 Ride Voucher Download Ola App and enter Code XV424WQ (New Accounts only. Must enter code before signing up to get $10) DiDi Voucher $10 Download DiDi App and Enter code: Suhel13 (New Accounts only. Must Enter code before signing up Drive Uber Earn Signup Bonus up to $500. (Must enter code to receive a bonus: idlwy

  • How to drive Uber(Ola, DiDi), Security Camera's Importance.

    Uber account disabled ? Uber has one of the worst rating system. #Uber Drivers and #Riders both abuses rating system, however #Uber Driver is more at risk of losing job as Uber is biased towards their customers. I have heard many stories and I have experienced my self as well that if customer reports a false complaint then #uber would believe it without doing any investigation and deactivate #Uberdriver's account. Support us by clicking and checking below advertisement. Uber driver story about Uber rider's false complaints. Once an Uber rider filed a false complaint against my friend that his car was broken down during the trip, however my friend's car is very new, has nothing wrong with it. Uber deactivated his account without doing any investigation. My friend told me that He picked up that passenger from Bankstown and the passenger asked my friend to stop and wait at the service station. The passenger was having a chat with his friends at servo and he was giving something to them from his bum bag. My friend had been waiting for 30 minutes and the passenger didn't return so he waved to the passenger and asked him to come back. The passenger came back angrily and started yelling at him saying "you are getting paid for waiting so what's the problem? My friend replied Uber doesn't pay much for waiting or for trip duration. The passenger got back into the car and was dropped off to his final destination, after the trip the passenger falsely reported that my friend's car was broken down during the trip. Uber believed the passenger's claim and deactivated my friend's Uber driver account. After spending 40 minutes in that trip my friend just got paid $19. He didn't have any evidence to prove that his car didn't break down during the trip. Support us by clicking and checking below advertisement. I had a similar experience when a passenger got into my car and he was not wearing a mask. He may have been scared that I will report him to Uber for not wearing a mask, so what he did he filed a false complaint against me that I was not wearing a Mask. I got a warning from Uber that my account will be deactivated if next time someone else reports similar complaint against me. In fact I had been wearing a mask all the time however I didn't have any evidence to prove it. I learnt from above incidents that I need to install security camera with audio recoding inside my car. As next time someone may falsely accuse me for sexual assaults. Support us by clicking and checking below advertisement. Conclusion I would suggest drivers to invest into some good quality reliable security cameras with audio recorder and install them inside your car properly to record every events and that will save you from a lot of trouble. Also stick a warning sign about security camera inside your car.

  • A Cheeky Monkey who stole bananas. 5 mins Bedtime Story Free

    Written by: Suhel Shabhai Once Upon a time there was a cheeky monkey. Who loved to eat bananas. Monkey used to eat all bananas at home and never leave any bananas for his family members. His little sister and parents always used to tell him eat only one banana a day, however he never listened to them. After eating so many bananas, Cheeky Monkey still wanted to eat more bananas. So he went to a fruit shop and he stole bananas, however cheeky monkey didn't know that there was a hidden camera in the fruit shop. Later during that day a fruit shop owner checked camera footage and he found out that cheeky monkey stole bananas from his shop, he got very angry and went to the cheeky monkey's house. when the shopkeeper rang a house bell, cheeky monkey's father came out and asked " what happened shopkeeper, you look angry?" the shop keeper replied "your son stole bananas from my shop" and I have a video footage of it to show you". Cheeky monkey's father was really embarrassed" and he said" I am really sorry shopkeeper" The Shop keeper replied "I will report your son to police for stealing bananas from my shop". After hearing this conversation cheeky monkey came out and he was very scared as he thought he will be sent to jail. Father monkey begged to shop keeper to forgive his son and he will pay money for bananas he has stolen. The shop keeper calmed down and took money from his father monkey and left. Father monkey said to cheeky monkey if you do this again then police will surely put you in jail. The cheeky monkey was really scared and promised his dad that he will never steal again. Next day cheeky monkey went to fruit shop and paid money to buy bananas, while he was returning home with bananas in his hands, another cheeky monkey came and snatched bananas from his hands and ran away. Cheeky Monkey went home without bananas and he was very sad. 'what happened Son, you look sad?' Asked Father Monkey. Cheeky Monkey said 'someone stole my bananas, dad" and I don't know why this happened to me, this has never happened to me before" said Cheeky Monkey. Father Monkey smiled and said " look son, if you do something bad to someone then something bad will happen to you" that's the rule of nature. "oh I see, so this happened to me because I stole bananas yesterday from that fruit shop, I will be always careful of not doing any naughty things anymore" said Cheeky Monkey. Father Monkey smiled and said "you are no longer a cheeky Monkey, from now on you are a wise monkey" and then both smiled. Moral of story: Do good things and good things will come back to you, if you do bad things then bad things will come back to you, sooner or later. Read More Free Bedtime Stories for kids, Adults, Short and Long,

  • Uber Passenger Rating, Dos and Don'ts, DiDi, Ola

    Yes you are being rated by drivers. I have experienced that about 75% of riders are not aware that they are being rated by drivers. Every ride sharing platform has passenger rating system. Driver has to rate passenger after completing trip to be able to accept next trip request. I am going to share some tips for riders how to get higher rating. The best average rating of rider is between 4.75 to 4.9. it is almost impossible to get average 5 star rating, so if your rating is between 4.8 and 4.9 then you are an excellent rider. If your rating is between 4.6 to 4.7 then you are an "ok" rider. Any rating less than 4.6 is a poor rating. If your rating drops too low then a ride sharing provider may terminate your account permanently. Drivers normally rejects trip requests from riders with ratings with lower than 4.6. Normally when rider opens up a new account they get default 5 star rating. if you get rated 4 stars when your account is new with not many trips done on it, then your rating will drop significantly as average rating gets calculated by total trips/total rated trips = Average rating, more trips you have done on your account more stable your rating will be. Remember 4 star is a low rating in Ola, DiDi and Uber. DiDi drivers can un-match riders, so they won't get anymore trip requests from un-matched riders, You may be in the area where no cars are available and only that driver is available however you won't be able to book him if that driver un-matched you before. Get Ola $10 Rider Voucher for New Account only. Promo Code: XV424WQ Drive Uber Earn Up to $500 Sign Up Bonus.Click here. Uber Eats $10 Promo Code: eats-8ab5q6 Drive DiDi, Sign Up Here, Service Fees Lowest up to 5%, that means you earn more. $20 Coupon DiDi download DiDi rider app and enter Code Suhel13 Download Ola App and Don't forget to enter code: XV424WQ to get Free $10 Credit for ride. How to get a higher rider rating? 1. Respect Driver. Many riders treat drivers like a slave, never greets, talks rudely, never say please or thank you etc. Treat how you want to be treated. Imagine if someone behaves like that to you then how would you feel about it? would you make them a cup of tea? No definitely not. If you don't respect driver then you will get rated between 1 to 4 stars, depends on how unhappy the driver is about the rider's behavior. 2. Do not make driver wait. Drivers normally get frustrated when they have to wait long for rider because your pickup location may be in a busy area with no parking available, on busy highway or street with no stopping. Many times the trip is too short like only 5 minutes and rider makes them wait 5 minutes. Always track how far the driver is and be ready on pickup location to get into the car. 3. Do not eat or drink in the car. Avoid eating or drinking in the car even if you tell the driver that you won't make a mess, as the food will leave smell in the car and the next rider would rate driver low for a smelly car. Carrying an open alcohol beverages in a car is illegal in Australia and driver and riders both could get fine. 4. Do not discuss sensitive topics with the driver. Avoid discussing about politics, religion, race, etc. Many driver may be ok with that but you never know what driver is feeling about it. 5. Avoid asking Driver Where are you from? Some drivers may be ok with that questions but many driver are not ok with that question. They may think that you are a racist person. May be your intention is not bad however its better not to take a risk asking that question. 6. Asking Driver to Play Music in the car. Driver may be ok when you request to play music or radio in the car. If you want to connect your phone with car to play music then do it before the trip starts, when the car is not moving, do not ask driver when the car is moving. Do not ask driver to change radio stations when the car is moving. Do not ask driver to put the volume too high. Do not ask driver to play music when the trip is too short. The best idea is to use your head phone to avoid all hassles. This issue is common amongst the young riders. 7. Do not ask Driver to break road rules. Most common one is to ask driver to take illegal U turn. Be aware of road rules and do not ask driver to take an illegal U turn. Do not ask drivers to go over the speed limit. Do not ask to speed up and go through an orange traffic light. 8. Putting pressure on driver to hurry up. If you are late to work or to anywhere else its not a driver's fault. Drivers do not like unnecessary pressure on them. You need to be ready on time and book trip earlier. 9. Requesting a trip under your account for others. Avoid booking a trip under your account when you are travelling with others who are very intoxicated, not well behaved or doing anything I have mentioned above. It will effect your rider rating and put your account at risk. If you have no choice booking a trip under your account then ask other riders to behave nicely during the trip. 10. Damaging or dirtying a car. Do not make mess in the car, if you are in a work uniform and make sure your uniform is clean and won't make car dirty. Do not leave rubbish in car, do not eat or drink. Make sure you are not doing anything which can damage the vehicle such as scratches on seats or on interior. 11. Do not smoke or Vape in car. Its a common sense to not to smoke in car. Some riders do request to vape and some drivers are ok with it and some drivers may be not ok with it, even if they allows you to do so. It leaves the smell, driver do not want to inhale the smoke. If you are smoking before the trips starts make sure you do not bring smoke inside the car as it leaves the smell inside the car and next rider may think that driver was smoking inside the car. 12. Do not bang car doors. Do not bang car doors, just be gentle when you close the door. It could make driver angry and rate you low. 13. Resolving a conflict with the Uber driver. Prevention is better than cure, avoid getting into conflict. If you have made a mistake then apologize to driver. If driver made a mistake then tell driver don't worry and its all good, depends how big is the mistake. At the end of the trip wish the driver good luck, say "thank you for dropping me home", "it was a nice trip" etc. if you can tip the driver tell the driver that you will tip him. This will resolve the conflict between you and driver. 14. Cancel trips with drivers with low ratings. Avoid doing trips with low rated drivers as they are bad drivers with bad attitude and highly likely they will rate you low regardless of how good you are, So cancel the trip within 3 minutes so you won't get charged cancelation fees. The driver with low rating may be a new driver and a good driver, somebody rated him unfairly, however it would very hard for you to know. Driver rating below 4.7 is a poor rating. 15. Avoid rating low to drivers over little things. There are riders and drivers both abuse rating system. They rate low for no reason or over little things. Remember drivers will be able to guess who rated them low and drivers can go back and change rider's rating from 5 stars to 2 stars or 3 stars. Drivers do a lot more trips than riders so they will be able to quickly improve their rating or if drivers has already done a lot of trips then your given rating won't effect much. Also riders who rate other drivers low over little things normally ends up with lower rating. Drivers highly likely will rate low to riders with low rating as they may think you are a trouble maker. 16. If you are too intoxicated. Riders who are too intoxicated will have a higher chance of getting low rating. Most too Intoxicated riders do not have control over their behavior, they don't know what they are doing and they won't remember how they behaved during the trip. I had a passenger once he was too intoxicated and he became "a rapper" during a trip and created a rap song about me, him and car, one rider gave me a good shoulder massage and one rider started washing my car windows when we stopped at the servo for him. I am completely ok with these things, however some drivers might be not ok with that. 17. If you vomit in the car. If you vomit in the car then you will be charged up to $250 cleaning fees. As driver cannot drive the car after that and will have to get the whole car steam cleaned. Normally Vomiting incidents happens from too intoxicated riders. 18. The driver is not invisible. Many riders discuss sensitive personal issues over the phone or with other riders about work ,relationship, home, family etc. , which driver may not like it, driver may think you don't respect him or you don't think that he exist, or you don't care how would he feel about it and he just a driver? You can discuss after leaving car. 19. Don't be a back seat driver. The bad news is 90% of time drivers will rate low if you are a back seat or next seat driver. Uber charges set amount, you may get charge little extra during the heavy traffic for using tolls. One very important thing I would like to share with you is Uber drivers loses money and not rider if they get stuck in the traffic, where in taxi if you get stuck in traffic then rider ends up paying a lot. That is the reason why Uber drivers don't like driving in area with high traffic. I myself avoid accepting trips from high traffic area during peak hours, to make $10 it will take 20 minutes in high traffic area and It will take 10 minutes in low traffic area. Just seat back and relax, let the driver follow the map. Most of the time maps are correct as maps have live traffic updates. Sometimes the map is not accurate then you can help driver if asked. 20. Swearing and using inappropriate language. This may be normal for you to swear but there are many drivers who do not like riders swearing or using offensive language. Many drivers come from different cultures and follow different beliefs and they cannot tolerate offensive language. Swearing is common amongst youngsters so choose your words wisely. Above tips will help you in your Uber, Ola, DiDi passanger rating. Please share this post, subscribe and leave comments below

  • Facebook Marketplace: Timewasters, Trolls and Scammers.

    I am going to share my personal experience about Facebook marketplace's time wasters, trolls and scams. Everyone knows that Facebook marketplace is the place to buy and sell second hand or new things. I have been using gumtree for a long time and it is also full of time wasters and scammers. I was told by my friend to use Facebook as its better than Gumtree but I was bit reluctant as I had an impression that Facebook is the social media website and how do they use it like gumtree. However after sometimes I gave it a try and I realized that it's even 10 times worst than Gumtree. Imagine if you see a restaurant or nightclub which also sells lawnmower, plants, old shoes, used washing machine etc. Facebook has the same issue where people are there to socialize or waste their precious time in reading unnecessary posts and you are asking them to buy your items. Timewasters Facebook market place has about 95% timewasters. Yes! 95%. I received thousand of messages for my items listed on Facebook Marketplace and only 5% of them are genuine buyers. All timewasters will ask you lots of unnecessary questions even some funny questions about your items, they will waste your precious time and then they will disappear. They will ask you about item details and location etc. which is already provided in the description but they are lazy to read. They even ask for images which are already there in listings. They will book a time to pickup an item but won't show up and also many sellers won't respond or when you get there they won't answer your call. They will send lowball offers like you would never have imagined. I was selling a good watch with delivery for $20 and just today one guy offered me $2 !!!. One guy asked me does that watch come in pieces and do you have to assemble it? and with frustration I responded yes you need a special skill and screw driver to assemble it. Obviously I was pulling his legs, because who would sell a watch in pieces? Majority of timewasters will ask you question "is it still available?" and once you reply "yes it's still available" they will see your message and won't respond. I received thousands of messages like that and now even in sleep I am saying "Yes it's still available". It's because Facebook has placed readily available a strange button "is it still available?", which buyer clicks without reading or thinking. There is a feature where you can rate buyer and seller. So to make it a better place people need to start rating timewasters, bad buyers and sellers. I believe all those timewaster have picked up bad habits from Gumtree and Facebook has copied 80% of features from Gumtree to design Market place and we are going round in circles. So what option do you have now to sell your second hand or new items? May be eBay? But the problem is eBay has lots of scammers too, however most of them are sellers. Buyers can rate sellers as rating is a big deal on eBay if you want to sell your products. Buyers can claim refund if the item is not good, however eBay charges unfair expensive fees to sellers plus PayPal charges transaction fees, for example if you bought an iPhone for $1800 and if you are trying to selling it for $2000 then eBay will charge you 10% of total value which will be $200 so your profit goes to eBay and plus If receiving $2,000 via PayPal , the amount that will go to fees is $58.30 and the recipient will receive $1,941.70. That's 2.92% going to fees, effectively. Sign up with Coin spot to Invest or Trade Cryptocurrencies in Australia. click here How to deal with online trolls? Facebook trolls uses marketplace too, so when you list an item in marketplace group, trolls will post abusive comments. The trolls will give your item post a laughing reaction which may create doubts in buyer's mind and buyers won't buy your items. My Friend told me that when a troll gives his item posts laughing reaction then my friend gives laughing reactions to all item posts of trolls and then blocks him. However, the best solution is to ignore the trolls do not argue or reply to their comments and just block them. The trolls will claim in comments that you are a scammer and will give you certificate of scammer without any proofs. The solution is you should just turn off comments in your posts and no one would be able to comment on your items and you can block and report trolls to group admins. If everybody starts reporting and blocking trolls then it will bring a change. The good thing about Gumtree is the trolls can't comment on your advertisements. If you just list your item in Facebook Marketplace and not in Groups then you won't have to deal with trolls. Facebook Marketplace Scammers. There are huge numbers of Scams and scammers on Facebook Marketplace who regularly hijack and spam marketplace with posts offering schemes with how to make lots of money etc. There are also buyers and sellers on Facebook marketplace who tries to scam people. The popular scamming method is they send you a bank transfer receipt for buying a car or other items once they get your item they cancel the payment and disappear. One of my friend bought a sealed iPhone from some school kids for about $700 and when he went home and opened it he found pieces of rocks in the box. So just be careful when you buy from Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace as you cannot track sellers like you can chase them up on eBay. Many buyers scam sellers by offering pay after delivery and once the item arrives they never pay, many sellers scam buyers by asking to do bank transfer or cash deposit into their account and never delivers the item. The safer way to do transaction is by using paypal, however if seller asks you do select transaction as a gift then don’t do it, instead select goods and services so you are covered by paypal’s refund policy . If you do bank transfer then you can still charge back by calling your bank however it’s not guaranteed that you will get your money back. So avoid paying by bank transfer. Please share your experiences and comments below.

  • How to deal with online Trolls, Cyber bullying?

    Trolls try to disrupt, destroy or change discussion groups to fit their own agendas. These trolls like to visit and try to disrupt happy people. Their lowly reason for existence is to post proactive, hostile or annoying messages. They claim they are on particular social media to discuss but in fact are just there to cause trouble. Trolls have an exaggerated sense of their own importance. Troll will frequently use a persecution defense when they are asked to cease their anti-social behavior. When someone asks them nicely to stop posting negative comments, they'll claim innocent intent and will scream censorship. They will claim that they are being singled out because of their unpopular viewpoints. Support us by clicking and checking out advertisements. Freedom of speech or Freedom of trolling? Nowadays many people are claiming that they are expressing their freedom of speech. However their freedom of speech includes abuse, trolling, mocking etc. This type of anti-social behavior on social media is being tolerated by many popular websites, such as reddit, Facebook, Twitter etc. Reddit is a headquarter of trolls. The best advice is to avoid using this type of social media which tolerates anti-social behavior. Please support us by clicking and checking the advertise below. Please DO NOT Feed the Troll Trolls are pin heads. Trolls will only stay when they are fed or given attention. So please do not pet, respond to, or feed trolls, Doing so only results in their prolonged stay. The best punishment for the Troll is ignore and that will fail his or her game. They are unhappy with their own selves and that's why they try to disturb others. I decided to bring this topic up after hearing the news of Travis Scott deleted his Instagram account. Online bullying is the big issue on social Media, however many popular Social Media websites are soft on Trolls because they only care about getting more users. Specially young people and teenagers should communicate with their parents or visit a good counseling service to get help immediately if you are victim of bullying. If someone tries troll then you shouldn't respond and immediately block them. How do you punish a troll? The worst punishment for troll is not to respond to trolls, that will make them more angry as their tactics are not working, their aim is to make you angry, ruin your day, and get defensive response from you. If you respond then more trolls will join to attack you. Ignore trolls negative comments and respond to comments in the same place who have positive comments or nicer comments that will be an insult for troll. please support us by clicking and checking out the advertisement on this page. However the best solution is not to respond at all, block them straight away and do not waste your time and energy. Whatever trolls says has no value. Remember trolls are unhappy with their lives which leads them to do this anti social behavior. Do not seek revenge for the sake of your own peace and mental health. Forgive them for sake of your own mental health and pray that may Almighty creator heal their hearts. Please leave comments in comment section below.

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